Capitol Fire Training & Boogie Down Truck Work "RIT Operations & FF Survival Skills"
Class Name: Capitol Fire Training & Boogie Down Truck Work "RIT Operations & FF Survival Skills"
Date: October 26th & 27th, 2024
Time: 9am- 4pm (Lunch Provided)
Location: 67 Potomac Street, Ridgeley WV, 2675
Cost: $215 Until Sept. 18th, $250 after
Number of Students: 35
Class Description:
With the support of the Ridgeley Volunteer Fire Department, we are bringing you the 2nd Annual
Training Weekend. Not only are they giving us an opportunity to practice truck skills, but we get to
do it in an acquired structure (vacant house).
Along with this opportunity Capitol Fire Training is partnering with their friends from “Boogie Down
Truck Work” to deliver an action-packed weekend. Students will get two days of hands-on skills
varying from:
FF. Bailout Training (Ladders/Rope/ Window Hangs)
Air Management Tactics
RIT Bag Operations
FF. Removal Tactics
“Mayday Calls”
Self-Extrication Techniques
We are no longer accepting registration for this event